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Metformin while in ketosis

As metformin inhibits hepatic glucose output, is it safe to take metformin while in ketosis? Could supressing gluconeogenesis in the liver be compensated for my other mechanisms of glucose production?

Metforin and autophagy

Does Metformin impedes the body in extracting energy from visceral fat? Does otherwise Metformin helps or hinders autophagy?

Doug McGuff and optimizing phenotypic expression with slow and heavy on machines

Hi Peter, Love love love your keen analysis and presentations. So intelligent. So good. Now tI so value you , that I wish to care for you by passing on a good contact to you. I believe that you would so benefit from a different approach to your weight lifting. Considering that all exercise is breakdown, does it not make sense to maximize your exposure to the right intensity, and the right amount of time under load. My understanding is that it is the breakdown products that stimulate fiber type density, and that the type2b are the goal, fo optimal exposure of myokines .for the best cognitive and athletic performance. ( per Dr. Doug McGuff) Also, as a centurarian someday, lets buildup as much as we can and avoid the decline as best as we can, yes? Sure you can not out run a bad diet, ( meaning not too carby or too modern for foods yes?)yet you definitely can reduce your exposure to unnecessary deleterious effects of excessive inflammation due to unnecessary time in the weight room ( or running, or ect) (per Mark Sisson) I am no one, just 65 year old dentist who values you and so I want to share this info. Oh, I also had a coach from Olympic team Canada for running, who said, we must all always do weights, must never exercise for more than 45 minutes do to lack of neurochemicals after that time which speaks to exercising wisely, efficiently, yes, for some reason , I feel you spend too much time working out, and its with free weights which increases liability if you are trying to max out. And the extra unnecessary exposure to breakdown also just increases inflammation etc, yes? :-) Lots to say, almost done, :-) So, the key to this note is that I hope for your sake and all others, that you will please interview Dr. Doug McGuff, an ER physician who got started with nautilus as a kid which led him to medicine... fascinating. please also ask him preferred home gym.. I believe he will clearly cautions you as to overuse with real weights, and SPEAKS TO HIGH INTENSITY LOW REP. Time under load to maximize exposure to the breakdown products to thus lead to positive growth and changes, yes? He loves the ARX. Check out the ARX for yourself is what i want you to do dear Peter. youtube

Eczema as an Autoimmune disease

what is your take on Eczema as an autoimmune disease? Any protocols to treat/manage eczema?

statins/zetia evidence based for the majority

i am a practicing internist in Charleston, SC for 20 years; I really enjoy all of your podcasts and I have made many changes in my practice and my own lifestyle based on the information you give. I was listening to your CV prevention podcast w/Dr James O'Keefe; I got the impression that you were both fans of zetia over statins for primary prevention? My strength is by no means reviewing studies/literature, but my understanding is that statins have been shown over and over to reduce events as primary prevention in appropriately selected patients. I thought zetia was only found to be helpful in lowering MACE in conjunction with statins, not in isolation? I use statins a ton in my practice as I feel they are excellent in lowering risk for CV disease in my moderate/high risk patients. I didn't get this impression from your podcast with DR O'Keefe but perhaps we are looking at different patient populations? Any explanation/clarification would be appreciated. Thanks in advance