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Accelerating towards ketosis by exercise?

If one were to do extended Zone 2 exercise (e.g. 2-3 hrs on the bike) early in a fast, would this shorten the time before the body goes into ketosis? If one assumes that extended time in ketosis during a fast is beneficial, is it reasonable to think that this kind of exercise at the beginning of a fast could amplify the benefits of a mult-day fast?

Carnivore diet

What are your thoughts on the Carnivore Diet and Dr. Paul Saladino?

Manolis Kellis as podcast guest

Manolis Kellis, of the computational biology department at MIT, was recently on Lex Fridman's podcast. His team's work on using automation and data analysis techniques to gain insight on disease is interesting. While Lex's podcast was great, I expect your approach to the work would lead to a very different and useful conversation.

How should lifelong skinny people bulk up?

I'm 6'0" and my weight has varied between 142-152 lbs my adult life (now mid 30s). For health reasons I'd like to add about 15-20 lbs of muscle, and to do it quickly, safely, and without gaining a bunch of extra fat. What's the recommended way to do this?

Family History Questionnaire

Can you share the questionnaire you ask new patients to fill out for family history? How far up/out on the family tree is relevant? What specific questions should I be asking my relatives?