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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Pets and exercise

Do you think pets get enough exercise? If not, is it possible we are doing our furry friends a disservice by not getting them a daily amount of walking/running? Could this also help people stay healthier - i.e., if people see the negative impact on their animals health maybe they will increase walking for their animal, which will have the positive externality of increasing their health too.

What is Peter’s current pre-bedtime routine?

Blood viscosity and CAD

I have always worried about the LDL-C idea, seemed to be unscientific explanations and so unconvincing to me. Recently looked at the idea of blood viscosity as a primary factor affecting CAD. LDL-C reduction would help for sure. Also blood donation helps. The problematic function involves clumping of RBCs... which get stuck and trigger problems. My Dad had is 50gal donation pin and lived to 103.5. Women pass blood periodically until menopause and that is when their CAD risk increases. Appreciate your thoughts and research.

Do the studies on impact of LDL on ASCVD differentiate between subjects with naturally low LDL vs. those whose LDL is lower by statins

You have cited many studies showing that lower LDL leads to reduced risk of cardiovascular events. I'm wondering whether those studies differentiate between subjects with naturally low LDL vs. those on statins. Are there any data showing a difference in ASCVD rates between those two populations with low LDL?

Inflamation and Aging

I am interested in how inflammation effects aging. What are the pathways and major targets. Panel(s) to check inflammation. Studies that suggest inflammation is the number one issue causing aging.