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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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How to clean retainers?

Hi Peter on your recent podcast the expert was alarmed about the bacteria on retainers because of the very real threat to brain health. How do you advise your patients to clean Invisalign retainers? They must be worn nightly for a lifetime. Thank you

Does Ozempic affect brain health?

Hi Peter, Matthew Walker recommended not eating three hours before bedtime so that the body can properly attend to the brain during sleep. Ozempic slows gastric emptying. Does this mean that digestion is occurring hours longer than normal and that three hours isn’t long enough? Thank you very much.

Regain height after bed ridden

So, I’m not sure if this is within your scope. But thought, given your background, you definitely would have valuable insight into this. Long story short, my nephew had a stroke and was in a coma for 3 months. Fortunately he came through and is back home. Although, he lost two inches of height. Q: Is there any way possible to regain the height he lost? Thank you

Med Student Seeking Training Like You Had

I will be matriculating to med school in the fall. Historically I have been interested by orthopedics, but recently have started to become jaded by the field due to the same reasons you were with general surgery- acute injuries (fractures) are relatively well treated but chronic conditions (OA) are not/aren't even thought about in a preventable way. As I start my journey through medicine, what can I do to develop the knowledge base you have since I don't have access to the ultimate experts of their fields like you have learned from? How do you see Medicine 3.0 integrating into orthopedics?

USPSTF HRT update 2022

Can you comment on the USPSTF November 2022 update on HRT as a class D recommendation? Are your views still consistent with episode # 42? What is your take on their concern over the increased risk of stroke, CVD, and DVT?