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Cholesterol blood test

What is the "right" blood test for cholesterol?

Re-look at pro endurance athletes following a low-carb diet

I listened today to your first interview with Iñigo San Millán. You were discussing a keto diet and you both agreed that no elite endurance athlete would follow such a diet while training and racing. Please look into the work of Dr. Dan Plews of New Zealand (a coach of several top long-distance triathlon pros including the 2022 Kona Women's Ironman World Champion, Chelsea Sodaro. Dan is, himself, an elite triathlete (he holds the age group record for Kona) and an exercise physiologist by training. He has followed a low-carb/high-fat diet for years and I believe his pro athletes do as well. His athletes consume more carbs than the typical keto diet and they carbo load for several days before races. The result is that they are metabolically flexible and can go further without bonking. I have heard him on other podcasts. He is data-driven, science-based and has published a number of research papers. I think he would make a great podcast guest for Peter.

Post Concussion/TBI Protocol

1) How much can brain truly “heal”? 2) Nutrition/supplementation post TBI 3) Increased risk of neurodegenerative conditions later in life? 4) Any ideas/tips/strategies to minimize these risks (in setting of TBI) not otherwise discussed on previous episodes?

Firefighter Sleep

I am a firefighter/emt and work 48 hour shifts, followed by 96 hours off. Nighttime calls are common. Advice on strategies to minimize sleep deficit impact? Both short and long term. Thoughts on napping throughout day when able to make up sleep lost? Best way to return to “normal” sleep in following days off?

MCT oil and Inflammation

To your knowledge have you seen changes in inflammatory markers (or ApoB) and in what context (dose and contributing history)