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isolated homocysteine level

In one of you AMA's you discuss a pt with hard to treat elevated homocystiene level. I have an isolated homocysteine level (CRP not measurable and WBC very low) and an elevated homocysteine (20s). With folate and b12 its down to teens ( and off metformin). I'm currious as to what you did to finaly get that pt homocysteine down. I recall you mentioning that it took a long time. My b12 levels are folate have responded to supplementation and were not down to begin with.

Some more clarity on the literature around PUFA vs SFA, expanding on show notes.

I know this is an area there is no answer, but I would like to understand a little more about the evidence. Below is a quote from some show notes, and my question is, am I correct to understand in some studies increasing omega 6 does not see increased inflammation if calories are controlled for, so does this infer that there are studies showing if omega 6 and calories are increased, inflammation increases? Also switching some omega 6 for SFA reducing inflammation, would tis not suggest omega 6 does raise inflammation? It sounds a little like energy balance is key, so I'm wondering what is known about that in terms of omega 6 and inflammation, for example the notes mention not increasing calories, but is this in a eucaloric environment, does it seem omega 6 only increases inflammation in a calorie surplus? Aside from inflammation, are there any other reasons we might want to avoid omega 6? Same question but specifically oils high in omega 6 as opposed to whole foods? One study came out and concluded they don’t know how to reconcile their findings because the mechanisms proposed for Omega-6 fats are they will increase inflammation because their double bonds can be oxidized The oxidation causes inflammation But if you look at the hard outcome data and RCTs where they give oleic or alpha linoleic acid, you don’t see inflammation go up if they’re not increasing total calories In particular, if they replace it for saturated fat, you sometimes see inflammation go down


Nattokinase seems to be a VERY promising fibrinolytic and preventative for heart disease. Also seems very safe. I have looked at multiple studies on the effects of nattokinase and the reduction it has on carotid plaque. I read one double blind placebo controlled study that was done here in the US. The problem is they used what was obviously less than the minimum effective dose And claimed it was “ineffective”. Can you please go into detail about nattokinase and your thoughts on it?

What are your recommendations for ongoing COVID vaccination?

There is so much confusion about whether the COVID mRNA vaccine are safe or not. At my son's request I just listened to Joe Rogan's interview with Bret Weinstein. #1919. After listening to the podcast one is convinced that public health is corrupt, that mRNA vaccines are dangerous and making the COVID pandemic worse, and that no one should get another one. I would love to hear the other side of this argument. What do you recommend to your patients? thank you

High fasting glucose on low carb diet

Can low carb diet be a cause for high fasting blood sugar in a person without diabetes? If so, what is the mechanism behind this? Following a low carb diet for 1.5 years. The case is that in OGTT 2 hours post load is good(115), lipids profile is perfect, BMI is in healthy range (19), fasting insulin is good (4-5), activity level is normal, but FG is 112 on average every day according to CGM.