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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I see you're going to be talking about sauna / sleep soon - what is your preference on infrared sauna vs traditional sauna? I never seem to sweat in the infrared and I like a good sweat.

minimal effective dose of exercise

I was looking at Dr Doug Mcguff's book, and Tim Ferris' chapter from 4 hour body on minimal effective dose of weight training to build muscle (Suggest 1 30min workout once a week of 1 set per muscle group!!!), and wondered your thoughts, but also minimal dose needed for metabolic benefit, longevity, CV health etc. My mother destroyed her knees/hips/back and ankles doing aerobic marathons and running, and any potential benefit from the exercise was more than negated in terms of quality of life by being crippled and immobile for years before she died prematurely of unrelated causes. I also refuse to leave my kids or dump them in a daycare to exercise as I feel an extra few hours per week with them now is much more valuable than that time x10 tacked on to the end of life, so am looking to minimize time commitment and joint damage to still achieve optimal return on investment/max bang for the buck... (2 hr workout isnt likely to be 4x more beneficial than 30 min, and 6 days a week isn't likely 3x better than 2)... Thank you

Nitrogen, Nitrates and Nitrites

Please do a podcast on the health and sports performance implications nitrogen, including the consumption of nitrates and nitrites. Dr. Nathan Byran would be a great expert to interview on this subject.


What are Peter’s thoughts on MK-0616, the oral PCSK9 inhibitor that is being developed? How will this vary from the injectable version?

GLP-1 agonists - fat cell hyperplasia

A doctor recently claimed that while GLP1 causes fat cells to shrink, it can also cause them to multiply in quantity, causing faster weight gain after stopping these drugs. Is there anything in the literature that sheds light on this claim?