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First pharma intervention to reduce ApoB in otherwise healthy person

In an otherwise healthy 40 y/o who has an ApoB of 90mg/dl and wants to reduce it to the levels Peter talks about, ie 30mg/dl what would be the preferred pharmaceutical intervention - statin, Zetia, PCSK9i or something else? Assuming patient is healthy, normal BMI, LDL 125 mg/dl, Triglycerides 60 mg/dl

Respiratory infections and Longevity

What impact do viral and/or bacterial respira infections have on longevity in younger populations? Is someone under the age of 40, for instance, who is susceptible to or has experienced disproportionately more of these illnesses relative to their peers demonstrably worse off with respect to healthspan or lifespan as a result?

Periodization in training for the centenarian Olympics

Does Peter incorporate periodization in his training or recommend it to his patients, and if so how? Asking not from the perspective of attempting to hit peak performance at a specific time (race), but given the common belief that occasional longer rest periods are advisable (e.g. alternating three intense weeks and a lighter one)

Protein and fat in liquid form

Peter mentioned on multiple podcasts that liquid carbs are damaging because they pass through the first part of the colon too quickly. Is that not an issue for liquid protein (shakes) or fat (bulletproof coffee)? If it may be, would it be advisable to consume those after some fiber, more solid fat, etc.?

Jan 2023 JAMA article about new study on diet and longevity

Have you reviewed this study (yet)- "Healthy Eating Patterns and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality" from the January 2023 issue of JAMA?