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Unexplained infertility

Any insights / theories into etiolgies for unexplained infertility and ways to optimize both male and female infertility when workup for obvious causes is negative? This question is probably to broad for an AMA but too niche for a full episode (though it'd get at least one full listen :). I'm a PCP and appreciate the work you all do - have learned more about lipids from you all than I did in med school / residency...

What is your view of the literature describing a U-shaped curve for LDL and mortality?

As someone who has minimization of apoB/LDL as a mainstay of longevity for your patients, I'd love to hear a more in-depth explanation of your view on the U-shaped curve that has been demonstrated in a multitude of observational studies. My understanding is that reverse causation is likely to blame, but I continue to see new publications in relatively well-regarded journals (see link). Is our explanation for the continued publication of such research simply that they failed to adequately control for confounders?

Pre-Ordering the Book?

Not exactly a science question. For the 99% of members that are going to buy the book, does it help you in any way to pre-order (e.g., generating hype)?

TRT Intramuscular - Testosterone Product

If I want to check with my clinic about the actual testosterone product and its quality, like the manufacturer and country of origin, how can I ask this question? Also, what are the know high quality products in the US?

Asthma and developing lung capacity

Hi Peter, I'm a 43 year old guy, pretty well conditioned - crossfit & road cycling mainly - but I've always had a very low lung capacity, as measured by a peak flow test. My average peak flow is between 350 and 450. I'm 65kg and 5"10' tall, so it's close to 50% what it should be, going by some of the reading I've done. I had asthma when I was a kid, and still use a blue inhaler every now and again - only really if I'm ill or bad allergies. So, doing asthma updates at the doc highlighted how low I am on peak flow. Do you have any recommendations on improving lung capacity? Or anything related to mitigating or improving on the issues around that? I do a lot of training, and have never managed to get to a high level, so have sometimes wondered if my simple lung capacity has been a limiting factor.