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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Last 2 podcasts

Hi Peter, I found the last 2 podcasts ( Brian Deer and Dr Hotz) invaluable and I’d like to ask you to release to the public. Thanks for all you do

Why does my gut hurt?

I've recently read Tamara Duker Freuman's book "The Bloated Belly Whisperer" and watched Daniel J. Clauw's video discussing how inappropriate brain amplification of nerve signals causes pain for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, etc. (Years ago, my doctor gave me a hand waving diagnosis of IBS.) Given the many internet fictions discussing gut pain that seem to be available, it seems that what this question really needs is Peter & team's presentation of plausible truths regarding the various causes chronic gut pain and what sufferers might do about them. (So, my question is, will you do a podcast or otherwise provide suggestions on this topic?)

Brain inflammation and linkage to autism

Listening to the interview with Peter Hotez, he stated that autism is not linked to inflammation of the brain. This contradicts many reputable opinions from individuals such as Dr. Hyman and Dr. Amen. What are your thoughts around various environmental factors (e.g. diet, heavy metals, mold toxins, etc.) triggering inflammation in the brain that exacerbate the traits/symptoms of autism? Both my son and daughter are on the spectrum, and I find I have had some good success in using mitigation tactics such as gluten, dairy, and soy free diets. I know both of my children have impaired detox pathways, challenges metabolizing fats, low to mid levels of heavy metals, which I try my best to work on from home too. I would love to hear your opinion if this is spitting in the wind? I subscribe to the train of thought that genetics loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. Would you agree? Thank you!

Release of 2 previous podcasts to the public

I echo the previous question requesting you release the 2 podcasts with Brian Deer and Dr Peter Hotez to the general public. This information has been so valuable to me in sorting out all the anti-vax information put out by many "Health Influencers"that I have been following and I am so disappointed in. I am so grateful for your podcast and the education that it has provided me with to make informed health decisions. I have had my first vaccine (waiting for second as I am in Canada), and encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I will no longer be following or supporting, in any way, the "anti vax" Health Influencer" crowd as their science on this topic leads me to be extra skeptical about anything they are promoting. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything that you do.

L-Carnitine tradeoff

Hi Peter and team, I'm looking at L-carnitine L-tartrate as an androgen receptor density upregulator for improved physical performance. My understanding is that oral ingestion will result in the production of TMAO, a potentially atherosclerotic and carcinogenic agent. What are your thoughts on the risk/reward tradeoff?