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Superstarch (UCAN)

When one uses a superstarch such as UCAN, this basically keeps a long lasting supply of glucose over a long period of time. The problem there is that this is almost like the person is constantly eating, and my guess is that their insulin will stay elevated during that whole period. Of course, in the case of an athlete who's training long hours or in a competition, this can be useful for obvious reasons (and also for Glycogen Storage Disease). But is this good at all for a regular person? Maybe not being hungry could be a reason, but wouldn't this be equivalent to constantly eating?

Plantar fasciitis Treatment

I recently was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. An x-ray reveled a 7mm heel spur. I completed a 6 day regiment of methylprednisolone with little improvement. As background: I am 56 yrs old and very active having completed the Ironman 8 times but retired from the racing and heavy training 2 years ago. Never had issues in the past. I started wearing zero shoes and think that might have contributed. My question is can plantar fasciitis with heel spur resolve without surgery and if not, are there new minimally invasive surgical procedures that are effective? What are the most effective non-surgical procedures? I very much enjoy your podcasts. thank you.

PUFAs and baby formula

I’ve been persuaded long ago that PUFAs are unhealthy, and we avoid the Hateful 8 oils in our home. But in researching a baby formula to supplement my breast milk when I return to work, I learned that ALL baby formulas contain PUFAs (often sunflower or safflower oils, but can be many others). Why is that, and should I be alarmed? Obviously breast is best, and I’ve breastfed my baby exclusively until now (five months old) - but I struggle to pump enough milk when I’m away from her, so I’m planning ahead for my return to work. Thanks for considering this question!

How Gout actually works, causes, interactions, remedies

I would like to know more about the specifics of Gout. How a gout flare up actually works. I understand it's about levels of uric acid remaining too high due to the body unable to filter it out properly through the kidneys caused by foods high in purines. We are told to "avoid" red meat, organ meats, shellfish, alcohol, fruit juices, spinach, lentils, mushrooms etc etc etc, but I've been reading about people who engage in a carnivore diet to alleviate the symptoms of gout. So, avoiding red meat seems to be misinformation. A remedy I keep seeing is tart cherry juice, but an 8oz glass has 32 grams of sugar in it. This seems like a cause more than a remedy. I understand it's about the anthocyanins in cherries which alleviate the symptoms, but why not just eat the cherries instead of drinking them. I feel like I am taking crazy pills here.

Covid Treatment Medicines

Hey peter and team, have you guys done any research on covid 19 treatments ? I have a few family members who've got covid and I've seen doctors recommending, Fabiflu (4 mg) (favipiravir) in mild cases and remdesivir in severe cases. What are your thoughts on this?