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Optimal Metabolic Health after Thyroid Cancer

I'm curious if you have any advice for health/longevity/optimizing metabolic health after recovering from thyroid cancer, especially after a complete thyroidectomy. The thyroid is important in metabolism so how does one think about optimizing their health when this organ is absent and you take Synthroid? There's very little information about how to do so!

Minimal effective dose for medical resident

I'm about to start my medical residency. In addition to optimizing sleep and nutrition, what movements/exercises should I prioritize, assuming I have at most 30 minutes daily? An abbreviated version of your stability > Zone II > Zone V? Or would you recommend otherwise in order to optimize recovery? Thank you so much for all that you do! You guys have made medical school survivable, and I'm excited to bring everything you've taught me into practice.


Have you looked in to grounding or earthing?

8 hours sat down in a chair

What are your recommendations to prevent the bad consequences from being sat down for more than 8 hours a day at work?

Sperm as a General Men's Health Biomarker

There is a solid body of evidence showing a decline in testosterone levels and sperm counts in men worldwide. Low T has serious health-impacting complications. Despite the increased availability of testosterone tests, there is a lack of consensus on measuring and interpreting testosterone levels. Could assessment of sperm health be a good surrogate biomarker for testosterone-related men's health?