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Zone 2 fabrication?

I’m a fireman and try to often train for the real thing by simulating getting my body very hot and uncomfortable (one example is 15 incline on treadmill at 3.0 speed with full tour outs and weight vest ). I wear a HR strap and try to keep zone 2 training in mind using MAF method adjusted (180-42 (age) + 5 for activity level). I do this at at an hour at a time like my zone 2 training at home on the indoor Concept2 ERG bike. Sometimes I think I’m cheating the system because of the heat and being uncomfortable is increasing my heart rate to that zone2 range. Would appreciate your thoughts and love the podcast as a new member. Godspeed.

PCOS insulin resistance and insulin resistance in menopause

I would love an AMA about PCOS, insulin resistance and increased insulin resistance post menopause and how it affects women. Recent studies have shown these women at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. What is the best primary prevention since statins have shown limited efficacy or haven't been well studied in this population?

More Case Studies!

Re-listened to AMA 15 and learned even more after the third listen. Here’s a request for more case studies in that format.

Andrew Huberman's 5/3 podcast on Cortisol and Adrenaline

Hola Doc, I'd actually love to hear a conversation between you and Andrew Huberman. Anyway, this morning Dr. Huberman was talking about how fasting, in conjunction with chronic stress in other life-areas, can orient someone into more of a chronically-stressed situation. At the same time, he expressed skepticism about the value of water fasting and autophagy. I thought maybe you could comment on his podcast in general.

Vitamin E in Carlson Omega 3 Supplement (EPA and DHA)

What is your view on vitamin E in the Carlson supplements? In the book Hype by Nina Shapiro, she says that vitamin E is a possible cause of cancer. Do you see evidence for this in the relevant medical literature?