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Path for residents/trainees aspiring to become longevity experts?

I know you do not like labels such as functional medicine but as it is getting harder to sift through good vs. bad information, do you think there is value in pursuing a (board) certification in functional medicine, integrative medicine, or lifestyle medicine? If so, which one? I'll add that as organizations value these lifestyle interventions more and the medical paradigm shifts, do you think those pursuing academic medicine would do well with a board certification in one of the aforementioned sub-specialties?

Status on the Attia Book

What is the expected timing on your Book - are you still on track for 2021 Publishing and if yes when? Can you provide rough details on what content/chapters you are covering?

Is the vitamin K2 a legit longevity agent?

What are your thoughts on the vitamin K2? It seems like an incredible agent for calcium metabolism and regulation with regards to coronary artery calcification and bone mineral density as two fascinating examples. The Weston Price story around K2 is fascinating. It seems like this would pair so well with Vitamin D supplementation. Thoughts?

Health Framework for Under-30s

Hi Peter, Love the show and really feel like it's changed my life for the better. I'm wondering about creating a framework for someone who's under 30 (I'm 27 now), and how to create balance at this stage of life. Specifically I'm curious about the following: -How would you think about balancing longevity vs. maximizing performance in this period where it's possible to be in your prime? I'm close to running a 1:30 half marathon - is that something worth focusing on now while it's possible, or would you have a longevity-focused way to train for that? -Are there any exercises in particular you'd recommend working on now to prepare for the Centenarian Olympics? Anything you'd think about incorporating for someone in this age bracket who's already generally healthy? -Lastly, thinking about your emotional work, how would you advise balancing the striving with the long-term view and not beating yourself up too much? Thank you!

More on meal timing around exercise

As a broader follow-up to the recently answered question on zone 2 training in a fasted state, I was wondering what your thoughts are on when to eat with respect to different types of exercise. Regarding zone 2, high intensity, or strength, assuming fasted, do you eat immediately following the workout? How long after can one wait without blunting the impact of the workout (and does the answer vary for the different types of exercise). There seems to be only scattered literature on this and mostly focused on weight loss vice metabolic health, muscle growth, inflammation, etc so it would be useful to hear thoughts wrt these other goals. As a practical matter, for those of us doing TRF, meal and exercise timing can be complicated: if I do my workout at 6am and need to eat within 1-3 hours following but am only eating during a 6 hour window that means no dinner with the family. Understanding the bounds would be helpful.