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Exercise schedule

Given the knowledge of the four pillars what would the ideal week or month fitness schedule loom like? —Days/hours per week/month in zone 2 cardio - days/hours per week/month HIIT - days/hours per week/month strength training - days/hours per month mobility work I believe all this is in various PODs/AMA/Qualys ie 3 x 60’ per week for zone 2...just looking for an weekly/monthly overview to help guide my routine

Super Starch vs Maurten

Hi Dr. Attia, I'm training for a self-sustained marathon and wanted to get your thoughts on Maurten for training and as a race-day fuel option compared to something like UCAN. Thanks, Will

Breath RER vs lactate

A product called Lumen proports, "accurately measure metabolic fuel usage when compared to the gold standard (RER) for measuring metabolism in multiple validation studies." Any thoughts on this for measurement of Zone 2/3 thresholds vs POCT serum lactate?

Aerobic threshold vs. zone 2

In your podcast with Paul Grewal, he states that there is a consensus we should probably move away from steady state cardio for 45 to 60 minutes at or near your aerobic/anaerobic threshold And bifurcating that into : i) Shorter, more intense bouts (e.g., HIIT); and ii) Longer, less intense bouts (e.g., zone 2 training) Isn't zone 2 exercise defined as exercising at the aerobic threshold (close to 2mmol lactate)?

Audible and Future conferences

Hey Peter, Love your work. Will you be narrating the book on audible when it comes out? Please do! Any plans on hosting some sort of longevity conference in the future?