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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Greens supplementation

Any evidence on benefits/risks of green plant supplements?

Covid 19 Vaccine

Hi Peter, if you had the choice, which vaccine would you recommend and why please? Thank you very much!

Sudden Female hair loss

Hi Peter, what is the reason for and cure for dramatic, sudden, all-over hair loss in a post-menopausal woman with no underlying health problems except for thyroid medicine? Thank you very much.

Why is it hard to do Zone 2 with running or rowing?

In #145 (AMA on Zone 2) you said rowing is good for you for Zone 5 but not Zone 2, and also that most people can't do Zone 2 with running. Why wouldn't it work to just watch heart rate and dial back intensity to jogging (or slower pace of rowing) when it reaches the target?

ELI5 on Carbohydrate-Insulin model of obesity?

Is it possible to do a deep dive into the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity? what is it and why are scientists bickering about it?