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Zone 5, etc?

What is Peter's approach to Zone 5 training? What about other "anaerobic" training protocols?

Poor man’s CGM

For those of us without a CGM, what’s a good finger pricking protocol to get similar behavioral benefits while also not using 20 strips a day and having sore fingers.

Nitric Oxide and endothelial health

Thoughts on using nitric oxide boosting supplements as a way to improve endothelial health, e.g. “super beets” beet powder.


Blood Lactate testing is out of the question for now. You did not opine on the MAF method. Thoughts?


Having started the KB Simple/sinister workout as a General phys performance program, and having grasped your centenarian Olympics model of physical health and performance, through the lens of min effective dose, kb seems to be a good alternative to a gym/garage full of specialized equipment and is time efficient. I am speaking as a healthy 57 y/o active guy with good metabolic markers. What are your thoughts on KB use as THE primary strength/aerobic fitness tool ? Downsides?