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What's your opinion of the approach and research of Stephen J Simpson?

Hi, I would love to hear Peter interview Stephen J Simpson of the U of Sydney (, director of the Precision Nutrition research group. He has two books out, notably about nutrition and balance, about a (geometric) framework for assessment of nutritional needs, which has enabled prediction of behavior in locusts and humans and other creatures. He has researched diet and human aging and macronutrient intake. Dr. Simpson also works with Dr. David Raubenheimer of the U of S. Books: The Nature of nutrition: A Unifying framework Eat like the animals: What nature teaches us about the science of healthy eating I thoroughly enjoy Peter's podcasts and the information that they make available.

HR during Zone 2

Does it matter whether I do my zone 2 at 65% or 70% or 75% of max HR? For example, if I decide to run at a speed that gets me 120 bpm, or 130bpm, or 140bpm (with a max HR of 190).

Modifying fasts with exercise and a bit of food

Do you think that purposefully doing more activity during a 3 day fast could justify (and compensate for) having a little bit of food? For example doing a 400 kcal workout daily on fasting days, would compensate having a 400 kcal meal? I'm trying to find a regimen that makes the fasting more bearable, to do 3 days a month; I would be happy to exercise more, or just walk another hour per day, in order to justify getting one small meal :).

Athletes and HbA1c

Why would an athlete have a higher HbA1c ? If morning fasting glucose was also high (but under 120) would you follow up with OGTT in a healthy lean athlete?

Thoughts on Nature article on high fat, animal based vs low fat plant based diet?

Hi all, Any thoughts on this article? My humble take would be that long term, longevity wise, the high-fat, animal-based diet is preferred given the stable blood glucose levels reported...