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Vitamin D for healthy immune system

Hi, I have been reading about the health effects of vitamin D with regard to strengthening the immune system to fight off respiratory diseases (and possibly other types of disease). Living in a country that gets precious little sun in the winter (and even summer) and being stuck inside for most daylight hours, it would appear the only alternative would be supplementation. I currently take 4,000 IUs per day. Obviously the correct amount varies from person to person and a blood test would need to be done to determine this. However in the absence of that, do you know if there are any dangers from taking what seems to be a relatively low level of vitamin D supplementation? Many thanks

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Hi Peter, What's your view on possible causes of CFS/ME and the state of the current research? Do you have any experience working with chronically fatigued patients? I've personally been dealing with chronic fatigue and a whole host of related symtoms since 2014, and trying so hard get my health back since day one. I've systematically tried different diets, workout plans, mental strategies, medicinal treatments, ... With very little success. I realize this is a controversial topic, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Trying to navigate the science and non-science around CFS/ME is a very difficult task, both for patients and doctors. Patients are willing to do anything to get their life back, which puts them in a vulnerable position when it comes to following advice. Many thanks

Percentiles of Free Testosterone

What are the percentiles of free testosterone for a man by age, and what level indicates a deficit?

MAF Exercise Volume

In #144 w/Dr Maffetone you asked about volume at least once and the question didn't get answered. You make a point to at least touch on volume/duration of training when discussing Zone 2, but it got skipped in #144. I have a hunch why that was, but am really hoping you have some insight or study to share assigning some similarly simple mathematical formula for MAF training duration and frequency, ideally adjustable for age. How might a 60-year-old's training differ from a 30 or 40-year-old's? (Asking as a 60-year-old determined to run his first marathon this year!) Bonus question: Much of #144's discussion asserted that if the training (say, running) was kept to that strict MAF-system, low-intensity level then the runs would get faster. But some further examination of what that actually meant would be interesting. Because if the runner's pace is locked into a consistent step cadence (say, 180 steps per minute, give or take, with maintenance of strict running form), but their run speed is increasing, that seems to indicate that what their aerobic improvement is giving them the ability to do is lengthen their stride, infinitesimally over time, doesn't it? And the metabolic fitness is allowing them perhaps to accept the decreased efficiency in doing so? So is what's happening as much a muscular development enabling slightly expanding range of motion (stride length) as much as MAF improvement (discussed as being purely metabolic fitness)?

Comment on study: Response to Intravenous Glucose-Tolerance Test and Risk of Cancer: A Long-Term Prospective Cohort Study