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Blood tests and Rapamycin dose

Hi Peter I'm Brendan from Australia and I'm enjoying the amount of new things I'm learning from your podcasts. 12 months ago I gave up white bread, most sugars and alcohol. In those 12 months I have dropped 20 kgs of body weight and in November 2020 I started time restricted eating ( started with 16/8 and 2 weeks ago I moved across to Zero and I'm now doing 18/6 ) I currently am monitoring my glucose levels throughout the day. My estimated HbA1c is 33.6 mmol/mol. Throughout the day I will sit between 4.7 mmol/L to 5.8 mmol/L - eating time it spikes up to mid 7's and I have seen it go to 8.2 mmol/L. Next week I'm heading to my doctor to get blood work done. I understand that you have named the 5 blood tests that should be done and my question is what other blood tests would you recommend? Lp(a)-P (or Lp[a] mass is a reasonable approximation). APOE genotype LDL-P (or ApoB). OGTT with insulin measurements. ALT. Also if I were able to get a Rapamycin subscription is the dosage 5 mg's weekly? I'm 178 cm - 108 kgs - I'm wanting to reduce my weight under 100 kgs Is there any chance of getting you to check over my blood work once it get it back ? All the best for the future and thanks for being an inspiration for me to want to change my health for me and my family's future.

Banking Stem Cells and Stem Cell Therapy

Some people recommend banking your own stem cells while you’re relativity younger. Thoughts on this and stem cell therapies, in general?

Thoughts on being tested for antibodies after receiving a COVID vaccine?

Hi Peter, do you feel we should be tested after receiving a COVID vaccine to see if our body has mounted an effective immune response? Knowing that the vaccine has taken would alleviate a tremendous mental load, particularly in the case of my parents who are in their eighties. Follow up: If so, what test should we take? Are we more interested in looking at antibodies or T-Cells, and what levels qualify as an effective response? How frequently should we be tested?

Hussein Yassine vs Richard Isaacson?

I am LOVING your podcast. Learned of it via a friend of mine that you went to med school with, Kiarash Namdaran. anyway, I am confused about some of the info from Yassine episode vs. Isaacson's episode as far as what can help with cognition and Alzheimer's. I am ApoE3/4. I have been encouraged ny Isaacson's research as far as supplements and what could help. I came away from Yassine episode with the impression that beyond 1 serving of fatty fish a week, supplements don't help. Could you clarify. the Yassine episode was very dense for the lay person. Thank you for your time.

Is Vascepa getting a bad rap?

In your podcast with Hussein Yassine, Vascepa got some pretty hard knocks with the seemly contradictory STRENGTH trial and use of mineral oil as placebo. There seems to plenty of data that explains the differences. I just watched this: , on the topic and I think you and your analysts would find it very interesting. Note: I'm just a regular Joe Blow layman who has a similar obession of trying to know everything that is knowable. I take Vascepa for heart disease.... so it's a topic I'm quite interested in. I'm ultimately worried that people who would benefit from this "drug" are getting it because Dr's aren't prescribing due to this mineral oil controversy.