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Omega-3s for joint health

Could you speak about the role of EPA/DHA with respect to joint health/pain/MSK health?

Garmin devices for zone 2 training

Is the zone 2 range determined by the Garmin app/devices (Fenix 5 or 6 watch for example) with a HR chest monitor a good indication of zone 2 as suggested by Peter and measured using a lactate meter? In other words, can we rely on Garmin devices (with a good quality chest hr monitor) to find our zone 2 rather than using a lactate meter?

Recommended doctors for improving healthspan if living overseas

Hello I'm living in Thailand and am looking for a few recommended doctors especially for improving healthspan. Do you have any recommendations in Bangkok?

Tools / apps / frameworks for managing time & various projects?

Hi Peter, You obviously use your time very efficiently & get a lot done between managing your practice, running the podcast, writing a book, enjoying various hobbies, and last but certainly not least also maintaining a family life. What tools / apps do you use to keep on top of everything? Is there a particular time-management & project-management framework that you follow? Anything you tried that didn't work out? Do you use a different set of tools for managing the practice vs your personal life? Would be interesting to get some insight into what worked for you & didn't work. Thank you!

Principles for optimizing longevity while working long and stressful hours

Peter, my friends and I are all in our early 30s and work in very stressful and time-intensive jobs (e.g. investment banking, corporate law; consistent 80 to 100-hour work weeks). Here are the parameters we work within: Avg. Sleep Time: 5-6 hours per night; Daily Exercise: 20-30 minute window, occasionally up to 1 hour; Diet: Optimal, nightly food stipend for healthy delivery from anywhere in NYC. Within these stated limitations, can you advise on some broad principles we should implement to maximize our health/longevity? Are there particular issues or biomarkers we should be particularly attuned too? We have complete control over diet but are limited in sleep and exercise. We all prioritize mental health. As a former resident, I know you are intimately familiar with these kinds of hours and stress.