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Rapamycin Dosing

Current rapamycin dosing protocols for humans vary a lot and do not scale well from the ITP mouse studies. How does Peter think about rapamycin dosing and how it scales from currently published clinical trials in mouse models and humans?

TRT again

When using the testosterone cypionate protocol previously discussed ie 2x per week but lower dose 40-100mg SC, 1.When relative to any injection is it best to check free testosterone levels? 2. Can you explain cycling and the 2year time frame. If symptomatic when commencing TRT, why would cease TRT if otherwise asymptomatic. 3. Any comment re dosage if on SSRI and TRT?

V02 Supplements

Hello team, Are there any proven supplements to improve V02 max? I've really enjoyed Attia's V02 training protocols, but I was wondering if he or the team had any supplement suggestions. Thanks!

Preventative Endoscopy

Currently age 62 and am in excellent health. I have worked through your Early Program and I am an avid podcast listener. In terms of advanced screenings, would you recommend an Endoscopy to assess condition of my upper GI Track. I occasionally experience GERD during sleep and I do not want to jump to a Proton Pump Inhibitor. Thank you!

Coronary artery calcification in endurance athletes

Hi Peter. I'm trying to do some research on Coronary artery calcification in endurance athletes as I've been an Ultra Marathon racer for 13 years and a martial artist for 37 years. My brother in law, also an Ultra Runner and past competitive volley ball'r, had a close call on our most recent event and was lucky to get off the course and to a hospital. He has now had by pass surgery as he is suffering from the effects of CAC. I've been reading research articles on the subject trying to get educated on the topic and would love to hear your perspective on this. Thanks.