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Brain MRI

Recently I had a brain MRI for evaluation of "lightheadedness." My neurological and cardiac evaluation revealed no cause and fortunately the symptoms have lessened. I am a a 63 year old woman--never smoked, normal BPs, A1C 5.3. My lipid panel could be a little better--LDL 99, HDL 57, triglycerides 134 (usually 60-70). I have not had more thorough evaluation of glucose or lipid metabolism. I am overweight--BMI 27. I do exercise some--not enough--trying to get into a better routine. I eat reasonably healthy--maybe just too much! My brain MRI showed "chronic microangiopathic changes." I raised concern to my PCP, neurologist, and cardiologist. They all told me "not to worry--a lot of people in their 60's have these changes." This answer does not sit well with me! What would you advise that I do? Should I be doing something to optimize my metabolic situation? Or something else? Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Stretching deep dive

Just some AI insights into stretching. I have long known that the neurological retraining on stretch tolerance was likely a significant part of gains. I was unaware of the hypertrophy benefits.

elevation gain

How much elevation gain does Peter do, or recommend, per month when hiking or walking?


Mitoquinone is a novel molecule (under patent) which claims to ameliorate mitochondrial dysfunction. I’m curious but very skeptical of the claims made so far. Have you guys looked at this? If not, a meta analysis would be interesting or even summary of the existing studies (which are of questionable quality/application for humans)

Fascia and foam rolling

Information on fascia manipulation and foam rolling appears to conflict on what is harmful and what is helpful (rolling lower back, rolling IT band). If you could provide clarity on fascial fitness and aging, that would be helpful. Thanks for your consideration.