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HRT updates please

A year ago on #275, you gave your HRT recommendations for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. However, Vivelle-Dot is no longer around. What are you using now? Its generic? How are you dosing men's FDA-approved testosterone for women, if your preferred choice remains using nasal or patches for women? Are you only using bioidentical? Do you care if it's plant-based? What else should we know when starting this journey? Thank you so much for your awesome work & amazing book!

Static Isometric Exercises to Manage Hypertension

Can you please opine on the efficacy of using static isometric exercises (e.g., wall squats and planks) to manage hypertension without medication or as an adjunct to medication to minimize dosage? A recently published analysis in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” of 270 studies about exercise and blood pressure seemingly concluded that static isometric exercises are superior to heart-healthy exercises to manage hypertension—your thoughts about in the integrity of this study would also be greatly appreciated.

Myasthenia gravis

Have been diagnosed with MG 12 years ago— keep mostly in check with Mestinon 10x60 mg/daily. What lifestyle, exercises, diet can I follow to limit MG symptoms?

Low Estrogen effects on health span and longevity

You have mentioned, in passing, the effects of aromatase inhibitors. Being this effects tens of thousands of women, can you do a deeper dive on what these women can do to work with the, (intentional), estrogen deficiency. What can be done to increase, or at least, stop bone loss? Is it possible to overcome the brain issues caused by low estrogen?

What’s possible for v02 max at age 70 and do you need test/beta subjects for ten squared

New listener to podcast 5months ago. Good baseline DEXA but no v02 max available then on a bike (can’t use a treadmill due to RA in feet). Second DEXa for my 70th birthday -gained 4 lb muscle and lost 2% fat in 5 months. Visceral fat from 0.5 to 0.35. This time had a bike for testing and vO2 max was 31.5. Is it realistic at 70 to achieve a v02 max of 40? I Can devote 8-10 hours a week to training. They gave me a zone 2 of only up to 97 BM which is barely moving. I routinely ride an indoor recumbent elliptical at 105-115 for 2-3 hours. Their guideline makes no sense to me and I would really like to know where to train for zone 2 and for intervals. Would willingly fly to Austin and volunteer to be a test case for us older folks.