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Intravenous transfer of serum and blood products like platelets from young to older person

Any positive benefits on longevity ?

VO2 Max Testing for individuals with ASCVD

Should people with ASCVD symptoms forego high-intensity

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Exercise

My parent was identified to have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at age 70, the recommendations were to reduce exercise however given the importance of exercise (resistance training and HIIT) in prolonging healthspan, I wanted to know if you could provide an explanation of why reduced exercise would be recommended and if there are any protocols for exercise for those with HCM.

Updates on the vascular dementia hypothesis?

Given that diabetes is a known risk factor for development of neurodegenerative problems, what is the hypothesized mechanistic link between the two? There was a discussion in one of the Alzheimer's specific podcasts on how exposure to high blood glucose "erodes" the blood brain barrier and makes it leakier, but how does that translate into loss of function? Also, Peter has mentioned that nasal administration of insulin can temporarily alleviate cognitive symptoms - why? Aren't most GLUT transporters in the brain insulin-independent? Has Peter's thinking on vascular dementia changed since his conversation with Francisco Lima? That was a fascinating discussion about mechanistic links between loss of function of cytochrome c oxidase, issues with oxygen metabolism in the brain leading to nerve cells essentially "starving", as well as a bit of evolutionary perspective on the normal function of amyloid beta, but it was before the amyloid beta controversy reported in Science, and before the new anti-amyloid drugs came on the market. It would be so interesting to hear updated thoughts on this topic! Thank you!


Do you take a multivitamin? If so, which one and what vitamins are you looking for it to contain? If not, why not?