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Statins and cognitive decline?

I’m seeing a lot of buzz on cognitive function impacted negatively by the use of statins and wonder if you have researched this topic and, if not, might you address this on an upcoming episode? Thank you for all you do,

Reactive Hypoglycemia post OGTT

Hi Peter, after one year of low carb (less than 75 net carbs per day) dieting and 5 mg of rosuvastatin daily I had a followup OGTT with glucose/insulin taken at fasting and three separate subsequent hourly blood draws. My glucose (86 fasting, 127, 107, 37) peaked at 1 hour at 127 and fell to 37 at hour three. My Insulin (fasting 5.3, 70.1, 62.2, 10.9) peaked at 70.1 at 1 hour and fell to 10.9 at at hour three. I've read studies that indicate glucose levels less than 55 occurring 4 to 5 hours post glucose loading could be considered pre diabetic even with normal glucose curves. Can you please explain in detail Reactive Hypoglycemia as it relates to OGTT with insulin testing. Just as a note my OGTT prior to dieting/statin use was glucose maximum just shy of 200 and insulin maximum of 58 both occurring at 1 hour. I did show the same rapid glucose decrease during the first OGTT too. Thanks

SMO2 Measurement via wearables (Moxy/Portamon) for observation & maintenance of Zone 2 during exercise.

Hello Team Attia, I'm curious to inquire about the team's opinion on the use of SMO2 measurements during exercise for the purpose of observation and maintenance of Zone 2. Based on the available data (using devices like Moxy or Portamon) the reliability, at low exercise intensities, appears to closely mirror the reliability of more traditional metrics, blood lactate and respiratory measurements. Given the obvious convenience wouldn't this technology be an excellent way monitor effort during Zone 2 exercises, ensuring an individual stay within the prescribed physiologic parameters? Given the absence of a commercially available continuous lactate monitor, I'd be curious to learn if this technology could replace the need for such a device? Also curious to hear thoughts on the value of SMO2 measurement vs. guidance provided by Morpheus, or other HRV based technologies, in regards to Zone 2 workouts. Although I've found a much smaller population of publications on SMO2 measurement during strength exercises couldn't SMO2 measurement be utilized as a indicator for ideal rest intervals between sets and also possibly be used as a means to monitor occlusion when performing BFR (assuming SMO2 measurement is taken on extremity being occluded). Thanks!

Please discuss any risks of excessive Calcium/Vitamin D supplements and Coronary Artery Calcification.

I am a 51 year old male who 2 years ago began cholesterol meds that dropped my APOB from a 160 to a 40. LDL also dropped by 90%, and HDL increased 20%. I am taking Leqvio, Ezetimibe, and Bembedoic acid. In the first 12 months of taking these meds, my calcium score dropped from a 22 to a 9. I just did another CT Angiogram and was shocked to learn my calcium score has somehow tripled to a 34 in just 12 months, with my dramatically lowered cholesterol as well as an extremely healthy lifestyle. I exercise daily and on a ketogenic 1meal/day fasting regimen. I began taking a calcium supplement this past year which contained 1200MG of calcium, and was also drinking close to a litre of unsweetened almond milk each day which I’ve now realized would be another 1200MG of supplemental calcium. Could this excessive supplemental calcium intake coupled with approx 7500 IU of Vitamin D each day be the cause of this increased calcium score? I am reading that supplemental calcium is absorbed differently by the body and these heavy “shots” of it at 1 time go directly into the bloodstream.

Degenerated collapsed disc in lumbar spine

Hi, I have two collapsed discs in my lumber is spine. Can you still lift weights with collapsed, degenerative discs that are painful in the morning?