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CaRi-Heart AI platform

Do you see the CaRi-Heart AI platform as a game changer for the prevention of coronary artery disease?

Prevention - lp(a) + APOE4

I am a 35 y/o female (5'7" 120 lb) - I exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and (admittedly as a newer development given previously demanding jobs) sleep 7-8 hours a night. Every year I test high for LDL (175 mg/dL) and the only thing the doctor tells me is to eat a Mediterranean diet. I finally asked for a lp(a) test knowing my father had high cholesterol as well (passed away from a car accident when I was 2 so not sure what his later years would have looked like). As suspected, I came back with a high lp(a) at 225 nmol/L to which I was told I would have to be put on statins, but not until I am 40. The simple reasoning being that I "hadn't had kids yet and we should wait until after that's done". I'm pretty frustrated with the lack of preventive healthcare, as I would like to get ahead of my clear biomarkers sooner rather than later (as you discuss in Outlive). I also have a strong family history of Alzheimer's and dementia and know that I have one copy of APOE4. This + lp(a) really concern me. My question here is, if I am not getting the care that I am looking for from my primary care physician, what is the best way to find preventive healthcare professional who will help me with a prevention plan starting now vs later? I realize not everyone can enter your practice - are there others who specialize in longevity as you do? Really appreciate your help in advance.

Jump rope

Any thoughts on jump rope as a good non-core activity? I have impression it is a very underestimated form of excercise - my first steps out of bed are painless since I started jumping regurarily. What I have also found on the web are some hints on improving bone density and that \

Your Body is your BEST pharmacy

I would love to hear a podcast all about the science behind the idea that our hormones, proteins, enzymes, chemical blah, blah blahs.....are like a built-in pharmacy that releases cancer-fighting, diabetes-fighting, depression-fighting, cardiovascular disease-fighting drugs whenever we EXERCISE...I don't know the nitty gritty but I bet Peter does.....:)

Why do you recommend Vivelle-Dot?

Please elaborate on why you recommend branded Vivelle-Dot specifically. I'm debating if it is worth the extra $$$. Thank you!