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Niacin metabolite risk from multivitamin?

Reading your recent article on the multivitamin risk/benefit study made me wonder about your opinion on the cardiovascular risk from excess niacin (and the CVS harms from its metabolites) and whether that might be the cause of some increased risk in multivitamin users. I’ve looked for multivitamins that don’t have niacin and have not found any. Most contain well over the RDA and niacin supplementation is found in a lot of other foods as well (breads/cereals), so a multivitamin could really push levels up. Wondering your opinion on it (and if you know of any multivitamins without niacin). Thanks!,effects%20of%20too%20much%20niacin.


What are differences and \or advantages of Rapathamycin and statins?

Nitric Oxide in the Oral Microbiome and Hypertension l

There’s a body of research that demonstrates the daily use of either fluorinated toothpaste or antibacterial mouthwash preempts the synthesis of nitric oxide—which impacts blood pressure regulation—in the oral microbiome and, as such, is a proximate cause of hypertension. Can you please share your thoughts about this matter?

Alzheimer’s blood test catches 90% of early dementia cases, study finds

What are your thoughts on this -

Training plan post Retinal Detachment Surgery

Peter and team...I have been enjoying all the content including, the podcasts, AMA's and The Early program - all very helpful information, thank you. I am trying to follow "the Medicine" prescribed which is exercise. Unfortunately, I have had a setback; I have had a retinal detachment and am in recovery post surgery. I am healing and looking forward to rebuilding my training program. My question is, how does one modify one's resistance training to mitigate the risks of pressure on the eye? I am 60 years old. The surgeon has told me to "baby" my eye for 2 months and not lift anything over 5 lbs for at least a month. For example, I would assume that a bench press would be not advised. Any guidance would be much appreciated. Also, a great podcast topic suggestion would be vision health with an ophthalmologist as a guest speaker. Thank you