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Creatine supplementation and creatinine/egfr levels

I've received recent feedback from my GP to stop creatine supplementation, because it is raising my creatinine and thus lowering my egfr and in his opinion putting my kidneys at risk. But that is intended from everything I have read about Creatine supplementation and that it is safe. Is my doctor reading my labwork too strictly even in light of me disclosing that I am taking creatine supplementation. I am concerned that I will not be able to realize the benefits of creatine anymore since my recent labwork with his instructing me to not go back on creatine. What do you think, Dr. Attia, and what do you recommend for me? Thank you!

Post Gallbladder Removal Digestion

Hi Peter & team, I've had my gallbladder removed about six (6) months ago due to pollyps showing up on scans. Everything tested fine and am otherwise healthy. I've struggled to get my digestion under control since - surgeon advised to eat normally and it will resolve in 6-12 months. I'm taking probiotics and protein powder but still not great some days with no particular patterns seeming to cause rather fast bowel movements. Any suggestions sincerely appreciated. Friend of my mother's has put up with similar symptoms for 10 years plus post surgery. It's stopped me from long walks which obviously not great from long term health perspective. Any suggestions or further reading appreciated.

Personalised nutrition

So the folks at Zoe are claiming their research shows that PN is effective In Nature Medicine no less! But this data has been criticised by others I used Zoe for several months - I did the CGM, the stool test and followed all their advice pretty much to the letter. I lost 2kg. Great! But was it adipose tissue or muscle? Without a Dexa I won't know. More importantly for me was the inability to factor in physical activity. I could score 85 and sit on my arse all day, alternatively I could score 65 and do 90 minutes level 2 cardio and an hour of resistance training. Zoe would tell me the former was the better day. What say you Dr Attia? (they probably won't invite you back anyway...)

Cancer: a metabolic disease?

Have you heard of Laurent Schwartz, the oncologue? For him, Cancer is primarily a metabolic disease, not just a genetic one. Dysfunctional mitochondria play a critical role in the development and progression of cancer by disrupting normal cellular respiration. This underlines the importance you give to zone 2 training. It would make a great podcast. He is french but speaks good English as he has worked in the states. Written multiple books

Aging and Posture

As many of my friends age, I have noticed one of the biggest tells of aging, assuming they've maintained a reasonable outward appearance, is posture. Most have shoulders that move forward. I don't recall you speaking on this topic. Is it important? What can be done to avoid this, if anything? Abs/back work? Something with the shoulders? Thank you!