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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Should we be taking Ivermectin prophylactically?

Peter, you’ve talked about many drugs including Rapamycin, for its likelihood to extend life. You’ve discounted Resveratrol, and Metformin but what about Ivermectin? Article like this one speak about the off label use of Ivermectin. If it can prevent cancer it seems worth the risk given its safety history. What do you say sir?

Who is the bad guy here - if any?

This article on increased cancer risk mentions obesity, gut bacteria, high fat diet (keto?) and leucine. Have you seen any other studies that link keto or leucine?

Asthma and COPD

Could you explain these diseases and their treatment? Are there any proper cure? Regarding the use of beta agonists and corticosteroids, could you tell us whether there are side effects as for anabolic steroids? Could you give advice to patients who have asthma or COPD on how this may impact their exercice protocol? Thank you.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a diagnostic agen

Hello, Wondering if you would be able to dedicate sometime to this topic, and unravel the different nuances around it.

Liver Health and Statins from podcast #302

With Labcorp results of slightly elevated AST=48 and ALT=42 due I am told to my statin intake, would it be better for my liver to switch from 10 mg Crestor + 10 mg Zetia to Crestor or Lipator alone? I have CVD, one LAD stent, and previously 40 mg Lipator alone lowered my cholesterol levels to desired levels - total ~100, LDL ~45. Thank you.