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Magtein and Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)

Could the clever mechanism used to get Magtein through the BBB actually cause damage to the BBB?

Magnesium L-Threonate and Mother Nature

Could Magnesium L-Threonate introduce more magnesium to the brain than nature intended via its clever binding mechanism?

Cell mitochondria

What are your thoughts on this article: The podcast with Luc van Loon discussed the lipids having mitochondria like a backpack. Does this mean the mitochondria can be signaled or called to do a task?

Identifying the Right Expert for Exercise Regimen Development for Cancer Patients

Hi Peter and Team! I'm a cancer patient advocate and educator, and caregiver to my husband and mother-in-law, both diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I'm trying to guide cancer patients in the right direction for all the various needs they'll have from diagnosis through survivorship (nutrition, mental health, sexual health, etc.), and I've hit a stumbling block with exercise guidance. What type of professionals, certifications, education, etc. should patients be seeking for expert guidance on exercise? Is it a personal trainer? A physical therapist? A sports medicine specialist? Certification from a specific organization?Asking a patient to rely primarily on their oncologist for this topic doesn't seem sufficient to me. I appreciate your help and expertise!

Sled work replacement for squats

Thank you very much for your episode with Stuart McGill. I was surprised that he had taken out squats from their workouts. I wish I knew more about the replacement. He talked about doing sled work and backwards walking uphill. I wasn't sure if he meant pulling a sled or pushing one. Thank you for all the great information. Tong