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Sugar consumption

What is the maximum suggested daily consumption (grams per day) of total sugar (including sugar being naturally present in foods)

probiotics to remove acetaldehyde from alcohol

There are several popular AMA topic requests on an alcohol deep dive, and this is similar to that. I just came across a new product called Zbiotics, which effectively removes acetaldehyde (the primary metabolic product of ethanol) from our GI tract before it gets to the liver in order to reduce hangovers. While my weekend n=1 study suggested this is a legitimate product, I am more interested in whether the technology could actually impact the long-term adverse health impacts of alcohol (dementia, liver issues, cancers, etc). My fundamental question is whether acetaldehyde is causal in these long-term impacts of alcohol and whether removing it in the GI tract could have long-term health benefits (not just hangovers). The science on Google gets heavy but appears promising!

Disordered hunger cues

Recently I have felt very out of touch with hunger cues. I don’t know how much to eat without looking at my myfitnesspal tracker, and if I don’t eat enough, then I feel very hungry at bedtime and can’t fall asleep (otherwise I overeat and also feel unwell). I hate eating close to bedtime but find that I have been doing it extremely often the last 1.5 years, and sometimes wake up 2-3 hours before my normal wake time and “need” to eat before being able to fall asleep again. Trying to figure out what / when / how to eat each day has been a big drain of my energy and has really interfered with my sleep. I identify as having hypothyroidism, ADHD / autism traits, and eat <100g carbs and 75% fat on 2300cal diet as a female late 20s, and am not sure if any of these things is related.

Disordered hunger cues and hypothyroidism / neurodivergence / low-carb female

Recently I have felt very out of touch with hunger cues. I don’t know how much to eat without looking at my myfitnesspal tracker, and if I don’t eat enough, then I feel very hungry at bedtime and can’t fall asleep (otherwise I overeat and also feel unwell). I identify as having hypothyroidism/ neurodivergence (ADHD / autism), and I eat <100g carbs and high fat (~120-150g) and high protein (120g+) as a 130lbs, late 20s female. Any thoughts on what is going on?

Diet and Exercise in Pregnancy

What are changes women should make to their diet and exercise while pregnant or preparing for pregnancy?