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Pregnant women and resistance training

Hey team! My partner and I found out we are having a baby. Woo! She has gotten into resistance training on the last year or two and has been making good progress. Quick searches on Google yield some conflicting view points on women weightlifting during pregnancy. Are there any data out there? This have never been a topic of interest for me until now. Thanks as always.

Galleri vs. TruCheck

A comparison of the results/efficacy of these two very different cancer screening blood tests would be useful.

SGLT2 Inhibitors

What is your opinion on SGLT2 Inhibitors as caloric restriction mimetics for increasing health span?

CVD risk of time restricted eating

Interested in your take on recent publication regarding increased CVD mortality associated with time restricted eating. Thank you

Zone 3 training

You talk almost exclusively about Zone 2 training. Is there any benefit to Zone 3? And thank you for your wonderful insights and guidance. I have a PhD in research psychology and am a faculty member at a major university. You are one of the most reliable and accurate sources of information I have found. I appreciate you and your work.