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Copper Supplement for ASCVD

Is there validity to the assertion that a copper deficiency is a big contributor to increase in lipids, blood pressure and ASCVD progression?

health education for High School Students

I am working on a home school curriculum for High School Students and can't find anything regarding health. I love your approach to overall health and longevity, but how can I teach those principles to HS students? Rather than teach how digestion works, I think they should learn what a balanced diet looks like. Rather than teach how muscles work, I think they should learn how to create a great workout/recovery schedule, and rather than learn how the lungs work, they should learn breathing techniques and meditation. The problem is, how do I turn those kind of lessons into course of some kind? Any suggestions?

I have over 300 to 500 Triglyceride levels despite taking two Vascepa pills daily.

What else can I do to reduce it and will it make a difference in increasing my longetivity?

Protein/carbohydrate shakes after workout or as part of a nutrition

Dr. Attia, What type of protein/carbohydrate shakes or food would you recommend for extremely active teenage boys age 14 to 17. I have two boys that play soccer, run track and cross country. I use shakes at home where I can control the ingredients to keep up with their massive caloric expenditure and nutrient replacement. What are your thoughts?

Milk & Osteoporosis

Dear Dr. Attia, Given your expertise in longevity and health optimization, what are your thoughts on the role of milk consumption in preventing osteoporosis? Additionally, how does milk fit into a broader strategy for promoting bone health and longevity, especially considering conflicting research findings? Thank you.