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Guest Suggestion: Jim Horne, Prof Emerttus of Sleep Science, Loughborough University

.. as a counterview to Matthew Walker. He has been expressing skepticism about the purported "epidemic of sleeplessness" and the major health consequences of less than 8 hours of sleep for decades, and has a new book out: (The book description is as interesting as beige carpet, but read the chapter previews; see also some of his papers, which show the views that Walker and many other sleep scientists espouse have been prevalent since at least the late 1980s and give his data and reasoning for doubting it — e.g. (Contrary to: ... which latter is one of Walker's favorite references, but like most such studies is much shorter-term); and:

More on 24-Hour Urinary C-Peptide

Peter has recommended 24 hour urinary C-peptide as a possible readout of integrated insulin production on the pod: also: ... and even says he would include it as one of his 5 required labs on his second IHMC interview: (Begins at 22:35). Updating the "Attia Range" Table with this: ... would be great, along with any further thoughts he's had on a followup AMA (including how to integrate it with CGM data and/or an OGTT).

CGM Monitor

Have you tested the CGM monitor from AgelessRX for accuracy?

Negative CVD Effects of Fasting

Are there any negative effects to fasting in regards to CVD risk in some ppl? Specifically, some articles have shown at least transient increase in LDL in healthy individuals. How do you view this data? What about for patients with high Lp(a)? Effectively, is there any known risk for moderate to longer length fasts (either periodic multi day or chronic / daily 20-22h fasts)?

Sauna Blankets

As a supplement to the question I see on Infrared vs sauna vs steam room, I wanted to ask specifically about sauna blankets and how they fit in, same as a standard infrared or is there nuance to consider? (based on it being so close to the skin, the presence of clothes, full hour duration to feel the temperature raise)