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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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After listening to Peter’s discussion. I tried Allulose for one week. 15 grams into AM Protein shake. It tastes great. Definitely increased flatulence later in day. Increased urination. Increased thirst. No change in AM morning fasting blood glucose. Other’s experiences .

Reflections on a year of monthly 3-day fasts

Presumably, you have completed monthly 3-day fasts for a full year. What reflections or conclusions can you share (that don't repeat what you stated in #108)? What will you do for 2021? Will you continue with monthly 3-day fasts or or go back to quarterly 7-day fasts?

Any resources, thought leaders, trials, etc. for persistent tinnitus?

Thank you for all you and your team do.

Paper on Posture

I notice that "posture" doesn't appear on the list of topics. I thought you at would appreciate this 2018 paper on posture, because it comes with a new and novel finding. I give the citation below. The quick summary is that the subjects were asked to sit with poor posture for five minutes, and after this period they returned to their normal posture and they were tested for external shoulder rotation strength. It was found that their shoulder strength was decreased. Again, the test was performed after the subjects had returned to their normal posture. So, the poor posture had an affect that lasted beyond the period of the posture itself. The authors suggest that during the period of bad posture, the blood supply to the brachial plexus was reduced. Other research has indicated that it can take an hour for nerves to recover from temporarily diminished blood supply. All this is to say, that when a guest of yours said, "posture doesn't matter", she was not speaking from a position of knowledge. Citation:

Sugar and Fasting question

I just listened to the episode on sugars. Is there a form of sugar that is safe (r) for folks healing from chronic infections whether parasitic, bacterial, fungal, viral... so far research and experimentation has led me to think that a diet free from all forms of sugar including starches and grains is optimal for healing from chronic pathogenic infections. Yet some say stevia for example won't contribute to candida overgrowth.... I hope I am making sense. Most of the info on the podcast is so over my head but I am trying to learn for my own healing, I have Chronic Lyme Disease which has led to other chronic infections, currently on Ketogenic diet + incorporating water fasting monthly but wondering if any type of sweetner like stevia or monkfruit is non-harmful ... I have another question actually, I am on a drug called Disulfiram for Lyme Disease and must take it everyday, is water fasting for 3-4 days while continuing this drug safe? The drug causes some intense herxing... Thanks so much, Mali