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The Impact of Ketosis on the Liver and its effects to LDL-C

Does Ketosis impact the Liver in a way that would elevate LDL-C to an abnormal level? If so, would a calcium test be recommneded prior to taking a statin to lower LDL-C?

PPAR-Delta Agonists

What are your thoughts on PPAR-Delta agonists, like GW501516, and their potential role in treating metabolic syndrome?

Maintaining Circadian Rhythm After Late Night

After staying up 2-3 hours later than normal, what is more important, sleeping in an extra 2-3 hours or waking/getting up at your normal wake time? Bonus: if you know you’re going to stay up much later than your normal bedtime, would it be better to take a nap on that day, or on the following day (or both) to blunt the effects?

Covid and Ivermectin

I’m getting hydroxychloroquine-like bombardment about using Ivermectin. There seem to be trials ongoing, but I never hear a peep about this repurpose anywhere else. I suck at reading studies, but haven’t seen any either. What is up with this drug? Is this FLCCC alliance legit? Thanks for considering this question. Mark

With ~95% vaccine efficacy and a specific at-risk population, does herd immunity matter with COVID19?

I am not in the HC field and not a statistician, but I cannot help but wonder why there is a fixation on achieving herd immunity with COVID-19. My questioning is based upon the fact that very specific segments of the population are at-risk for adverse outcomes coupled with a 95% efficacy (ok, +/- 5-7% given the vaccine). The hypothesis is: if at risk segments are the major focus, and presuming the majority are vaccinated (still a question), is there a reason to focus on herd immunity at all given the remaining population is likely to experience infection as a mild to severe cold requiring no hospitalization at all? I'd love for someone "in the know" to help elucidate this topic - basically do my math for me!