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Vit D and Covid

During this time of Covid, I've been reading and hearing much about the effects of Vitamin D and our immune function. Do you believe there is direct benefit of supplementing D to help the immune system fight off Covid-19?

Protein & Protein Supplementation

I’ve been supplementing on protein powders for years (from whey to plant to collagen) and have always wondered about the efficacy and effectiveness on supplementing with protein powdered with regards to aiding in muscular hypertrophy and/or strength gains in resistance exercises. I’ve read studies from the ISSN about nutrition and protein timing, but have always wondered if you do resistance training if you can still see changes in strength or muscular hypertrophy if you don’t supplement with protein powders or if you take the RDA suggested by the USDA (or even in a fasted state)?

PUFA Metabolism

How does the body metabolize and oxidize PUFAs? Follow the lifecycle from seed to oxidizing in the cell. How does oxidized oil behave? How does it oxidize in storage, retrieval, transport, mitochondrial processing? Is it negative for health? Does the cell oxidation lose efficiency? Does it effect aerobic performance?

PCR test

Peter, What’s your take on the PCR test . Does the high cycle threshold create too many false positives contributing to the craziness ( my view, sorry) going on. Thanks

Time Restricted Feeding and Exercise

Thoughts on exercise timing in the setting of time restricted feeding (16:8, 18:6, etc.)? When considering strength and overall fitness development/maintenance alongside metabolic optimization, is there any evidence to suggest exercising during the "fed" state versus the "fasted" state or vice versa is better overall? *Quotations to denote relative terms, not to be confused with intermittent fasting states... semantics or facts or idk, I defer to those much smarter than I!