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HSV infection effect on amyloid plaque build up

Several new studies are finding a link between HSV-1 infection and Alzheimer’s disease. Given the long term safety of antivirals, should they be used as a method of Alzheimer’s prevention?

Panic attack

Hello Peter .. First of all I am a big fan of yours .. thanks for the time you take out for podcasts and AMAs .. now my question. I am 39 years old male, I have been suffering from panic attacks for many years . My question is while in amidst panic attack my heart rate increases to 60-70 % of max HR, so can this lead to heart diseases ? is this damaging the heart in any way ? Also will like to know whats your take on panic attacks .. as to how to avoid, handle and treat it . Thank you .

Gut microbiome

What do you think about the role of gut microbiome in relation to health and specifically, health span? Thank you very much

3 days a month ?

I believe it’s been over a year now since you moved from the “nothing burger” of quarterly fasts to monthly 3 day fasts (presumably also nothing burgers). Have you learned anything about the shorter fasts when it comes to your blood work? The benefits? etc... are you sticking with monthly or do you see yourself returning to 7 days fasts ? Thanks for all you do. I finally started fasting in mid 2020 and I couldn’t be happier. As suspected my weight dropped dramatically (which I was unable to do via diet and exercise largely) and my blood work (I do quarterly draws) has improved DRAMATICALLY. Thank you

Green Supplements like Athletic Greens

Hi Peter, is there evidence that green supplements like Athletic Greens are beneficial to health (i.e. lifespan and health span)?