Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Mental Illness

Hey Peter, What are your thoughts on treatment for bi-polar disorder? It has become increasingly clear that bi-polar disorder is really a circadian disorder, where symptoms are exacerbated by circadian disruption. COVID is certainly bringing to light new mental illness or existing cases worse. Is there a common variable in advice you give to patients? Thanks.

Valter Longo

Is he going to be a podcast guest anytime soon?

Phil Maffetone - Great Episode

Hi Peter and crew, what a great episode. It brings together several of the previous episodes into a more clinical and practical light. My first question is that in a previous episode another guest mentioned that running/training for a marathon is damaging for someone over 50. In this episode there was no mention of optimal dose for activity, or mention of age related considerations. How does one find the optimal dosing for one’s age group? Second, what do you think the similarities and differences are between this approach and zone 2 training? Thanks for all the work you do. I use much of the information in my clinic. Warm regards to you and all the staff.

From knowledge to behavior

Can you talk about going from the theory of what brings longevity to making the right choices day in and day out please? What are the most common problems that your patients interested in longevity are trying to solve? If they could have more support in changing or adopting new behaviors, what would they need help doing?

Cognitive abilities

What would be specific recommendations for preserving or improving cognitive abilities while aging?