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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Dear Peter and team, how do you prescribe the use of a GCM by your patients? Do you tell them a range to be in? Do you tell then what to eat? If they can only use the kind of a freestyle how many measures do you ask them? Thank you!

Guest suggestion: Daniel Lieberman

He’s promoting his new book “Exercised” great opportunity to get him.

K2 MK7 vitamin

There are several sources suggesting that K2 MK7 vitamin has a beneficial impact on coronary calcification ? What is your view? Thanks Igor

Implications of Gerald Shulman's interview

I have listened to the Gerald Shulman interview and read through the show notes, but as a non-scientist, I know I'm missing implications from research. Specifically, I'm wondering if the exercise protocol that helped insulin-resistent young people increase muscle glycogen synthesis was type 2 exercise or what zone was it? What are the implications for the Keto diet since many promoters have blamed only carbohydrates for creating insulin resistance, especially since Shulman's research also showed that blood glucose monitoring could be fooling insulin-resistent pre-diabetic people into not realizing how high their insulin has spiked.

Metabolic syndrome

Article of interest from AJR Utilizing Fully Automated Abdominal CT–Based Biomarkers for Opportunistic Screening for Metabolic Syndrome in Adults Without symptoms