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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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MAF formula and gender

Thanks very much for the podcast with Phil Maffetone. I might be wrong, but most of his clinical work seemed to be with male athletes, and I haven't heard him speak on whether the formula is as applicable to women, so would be interested to hear your thoughts on this. I'd also be interested to know whether you use a heart rate formula to determine your zone 2 target.

Aging, a disease?

What are your thoughts on the idea advocated in the anti-aging community that aging should be classified as a disease?

Colonoscopy and FIT

Hi Peter, Been reading that a FIT - fecal immunochemical test - is an alternative to colonoscopy is more accurate minus all the hassles with colonoscopy. Your input/thoughts please?

Exercise and longevity.

Could Peter summarize or tell me how he is putting together MAF, Dr. J.O'Keefe " not to do aerobic exercise for more than 40-50 min, and podcast episode 85 with Dr. San Millan talking to do zone 2 exercise for at least 2 hours in order to be effective

Maximum Aerobic Function

How have the age based Maximum Aerobic Function formulas been validated? Neither the 220-age or Maffetone's 180-age make any sense to me. They seem to be based on a theoretical maximum heart rate. If my maximum heart rate at age 68 is 186--why am I subtracted my age from 180? Why is it assumed that my heart rate is lower than 180 or 220? by an amount based on my age? Should I be compared to an average 68 year old female who doesn't exercise when considering what is healthy or normal for me?