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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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In AMA #276, Peter does not mention creatine as a supplement he takes, and I'm wondering why he doesn't given that in the past I recall he's described it as a "no brainer" supplement to take.

C'mon - talk about pde5i

Lots of jokes there but tadalafil is likely a longevity drug that you ignore. Large anti inflammatory effect that has body wide benefits - indications reaching even to dementia. Just because it works for ED and prostate inflammation, and several other uses, doesn't mean it's trivial or for men only. Study up and report, please.


Use for reduction of IL6, CRP and CVD Risk reduction. Mechanism of action?

Magnesium: “Lumbar puncture on rats

Are the rats anesthetized? I am not from PETA, just want to know, That was hard for me to hear. Thank you

Alcohol and Cancer Risk

Recently, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction published guidance to limit the number of alcoholic beverages to less than three per week. Part of the rationale behind this is that there is an increased risk for cancer at greater levels of weekly intake. I recall you mentioning several times on your podcasts the limitations of research on nutrition given its observational nature. What are your thoughts on reasonable amount of alcohol intake on a weekly basis, and the relative risk for adverse effects outside of the obvious ones.