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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Preventing/Delaying Diabetes

In your practice how do you think about acarbose vs metformin in people with prediabetes? Metformin has good data in humans (DPP) but the ITP data on acarbose is intriguing. Do you have a view for your patients? Thank you

Are night sweats detrimental to health?

I know night sweats are common and a part of the process of menopause. Even with HRT and supplements, these are still prominent. I am curious how concerned about these I should be? Separate from the issue of sleep disturbances (which is important to address) do they present cardio stress and degradation of heart/vascular heath over time?

Discussion forum for members

Peter, Would you ever consider a discussion forum on this site? Members only, topics limited to only matters discussed in yours shows, strictly enforced. I do understand it’s a tough ask. I find myself really wanting to discuss your show from this week with knowledgeable people and I think a lot of us would benefit from the insight of others. Discussion forums are tough, I know, but I had to ask. Thanks.

Full-body MRI Scans

What are your thoughts on the utility of full-body MRI scans as a screening tool? There are different opinions based on whether one looks at them through a population- or individual-focused lens.

How to reduce VAT once it is elevated on DEXA

Hi Peter — In AMA #40 (and other podcasts) you talked about how dangerous VAT is for metabolic health. However, I don’t recall, and can’t seem to find, any information on your site about how to address elevated VAT. in AMA #40, you talk about how VAT can also be orthogonal to total fat, so I assume it is not as simple as caloric restriction. and indeed, several sites have different opinions on what interventions work or not. I think you would make a unique contribution if your team summarized the state of the research and intervention here, how you treat your own patients with elevated VAT, and also could signpost what kind of medical specialist could be consulted here (endocrinologist? lipidologist?) since you can't yourself provide direct medical advice :)