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Baclofene for alcohol dependence

Would you be so kind as to look into the research on the medication known as Baclofene, widely used in France to treat alcohol use disorder? The research looks promising and effective, but what do I know?

Ferritin Levels for athletes

What's the optimal serum ferritin level range for endurance athletes. My daughter was recently tested with a 7mg/l. Her pediatrician didn't mention this as an issue, instead noting that her hemoglobin level of 11.6 was on the low site of normal. Information I can find online suggests the 7mgl is a "ferritin emergency" and suggest an infusion for anyone with a level below 10mgl. Can you address this iron issue?

How early is too early?

Hello, I'm a 30 year old man. I've observed that many of the people who are obsessed with longevity are roughly 50 year old men. I understand that the young body is more tolerant of and able to cope with insults and injuries than an old body. Are my observations correct, and if so how early is too early to obsess over longevity? Thanks

PS: and how late is too late?

Follow up question to how early is too early. Obviously when you're young you don't want to neglect things that may jeopardize longevity. But I believe when you're young you have more margin of error, and the need for obsession is lower. I view margin of error as a decreasing function of age and need for obsession as an increasing function of age and prior neglect

FND - Functional Neurological Disorder

Peter do you have any research on FND - Functional Neurological Disorder, and any treatment strategies - including physical, pychcological, nutriention / supplements that can help recovery.