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Starting children on longevity path

Hi Dr Attia, I would love your take on how to raise strong and healthy children from the get-go. Blood markers to look at each year, exercise, mental health and other health practices that you would suggest in an ideal world to help give them the best start and the best chance at “outliving” and staving off the 4 horseman’s. Thank you and love all you put into the world :)

Opiate vaccines

I have a close friend who has lost two parents to opiates and his ex wife. He's struggled himself and nearly died multiple times. The public health and criminal justice systems both seem incapable of really dealing with this issue. A vaccine for opiates would probably be the single biggest intervention that could increase lifespan, both by reducing overdoses as well as deaths in the drug trade. I would love to hear an episode with a researcher who is working on this! I think our society is putting vastly too much money into dealing with the consequences of opiates and not nearly enough into prevention at a root cause. A good opiate vaccine would be a miracle. Thank you!!

What about maintaining high HR (zone 2) while strength training

Hi. I'm considering adjusting my exercise routine to include dedicated zone 2 time, but I notice that if I incorporate plyos into my strength training sets I can maintain a higher heart rate average in the order of the 130's while still mostly strength training. I have never heard you discuss doing strength training in a way that keeps the average heart rate up and if this is a way to conserve workout time while still getting longevity benefits. Can you speak about this? For instance, I can do a three exercise set of heavy bicep curls, followed by tricep push downs on a bench followed by jump squats for 30 seconds, my HR will average 132. Is that sufficient to count as zone 2 training? Or is that too HIIT like? On HIIT I am truly doing 80% maximal effort intervals of strictly cardio such as sprinting or rowing.

estrogen replacemet linked to dementia?

Dear Peter, this year, there was a study published in BMJ that identified a correlation between estrogen therapy and an increased risk of dementia. I have also seen a very recent research letter on the same topic in JAMA. (Behind a paywall..) I am very curious to hear your opinion on this matter. Best regards,

CGM - What values to value?

With respects to blood sugar, how should one think about the glucose levels? Should we be able to see blood sugar going below 80 between meals? Is high 90's - low 100's all day a concern? Should we look deeper if blood sugar swings wildly at night? How low is too low and is it a problem if it's a quick dip? How high is too high for a spike and how long should spikes be to be considered ok? I understand we want a swing in the range of 30, and we want to minimize spikes, but should we be obsessed with minimizing spikes? Does driving an outcome of a lower, more flat line, affect body composition or is it more about overall health (inflammation, heart health, etc). I love the data the CGM is giving me, and now curious how I should think about managing these numbers outside of learning the obvious (how different foods affect me, how stress might affect blood sugar, how the cycle affects it, etc.).