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Selecting drugs to lower apoB

I read that you take 3 drugs to lower your apoB: Repatha, Nexlizet, and Bempedoic acid. How do we know which are best for *us* to take? Are those just standard and we should ask our doctors about those? How do we actually get started? (I'm 32 in Canada with apoB of 95 mg/dL and high other cholesterol). Thank you!

Is hormonal impact view of nutrition and diet options dead to you?

Seems like you've gone over to strictly energy balance overrides all in managing body composition. Strong convictions have changed in the 4+ years I've been following (good for you). Are you no longer considering the impact of carbs vs fat in terms of how much fat gets stored for energy in active individuals? Thanks

Optimizing nutritional choices when managing CVD risk

Hi Peter and team - soif energy balance rules, how do you recommend one make the choice of macros once protein targets are met if they are dealing with genetic drivers of Ldl management? Carbs drive increased blood lipds/Trigs and potential Insulin resistance increases; saturated fats you've also said recently (but not deep-dived on) increased lipid levels to carry the increased energy. Since CVD is such a global killer, can you better explain the decision tree and parameters to help manage lipids (knowing diet can only do so much). Thanks

Venison Jerky - Group 1 Carcinogen?

I love being able to get my protein from jerky but isn't "processed" meats a Group 1 carcinogen according to the WHO? Is there something that doesn't put jerky with other processed meats?


How about doing a deep dive on Klotho?