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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Menopause, HRT & Migraines

Are there any studies that look at the cause and possible mitigation and treatment of this issue? Everything I have found shows there is not enough data/studies. I am on HRT, get bad migraines more than once per week, in very good health otherwise. My dr. has been lowering my estrogen dose and its getting worse along with all the vasomotor issues of menopause. I am in constant communication with my dr's. but I feel like its all hunt and peck. I can't exercise when I have a cluster headache or migraine, sometimes I can't work. It sucks!

Podcast or AMA focus on Homocystinuria

Hello - seems to be a ton of interest, and given Peter's only brief focus on MTHFR and Homocysteine in prior podcasts can we convince you to cover this topic - and especial therapy options - in detail? I think many members would benefit. Thanks

Estrogen and breast cancer

Can you comment on the seemingly discordant physiology behind estrogen alone MHT lowering the risk of breast cancer / estrogen in high doses treating breast cancer and anti-estrogen therapy being the cornerstone of hormone receptor positive invasive breast cancer therapy? What’s going on estrogen prevention and sometimes treatment (in past) versus promotion of breast cancer?

Dudley Lamming as a guest on your podcast

Peter, I work as a cardiologist at the University of Wisconsin. I am participating in a trial with Adam Konopka and Dudley Lamming researching rapamycin in humans. 1. Dudley has published quite extensively on low protein diet particularly low isoleucine and associated metabolic health/longevity. He also published on exercises effect on high protein diet. 2. Adam has published the work you have discussed previously on metformin. Dudley is one of the top longevity experts in the world. Adam is a rising star. Would love for you to have the 2 of them on one of your podcasts. I think your fans would love it and I think you are uniquely qualified to interview them. I am most interested in the diverging views I think you and Dudley would have on dietary protein.

food allergies

1) is there a mechanism that explains why in food allergies there is an IGE response to the antigen rather than IGG/IGA 2) in the discussion the immune reaction to continued "doses" of lactose, Dr. Nadeau indicated that continuing exposure could be the reason for the immune response to a food sensitivity. later, in discussing the immune therapy for food allergies, she stated that you needed continuous dosing (albeit gradually) the retrain the immune system to respond with protective IGG/IGA against the IGE effects. is there a paradox there? 3) what is the mechanism for B cell "training" by T cells?