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Best advice on managing PFAS and forever chemical risks

I've been hearing a lot about pfas and forever chemicals and it seems like they are in everything (clothes, cookware, even toilet paper!). How should we think about the risks? Are there reasonable steps one can take without obsessing over it or should we just accept it as a part of modern living?


Q1-Is there any concern about malnutrition/lack of nutrients/fiber if eating a max of 70-80g of carbs per day? Q2-if you tweak your diet to keep blood glucose in a narrow range does your ability to manage glucose ( and ability to eat more carbs) improve over time ? I am a 58 yr old women and although I have never been diagnosed as diabetic or even pre diabetic I began wearing a CGM out of curiosity. I was shocked to see how poorly I was managing my glucose levels. I immediately dropped my carbs way down while ensuring I was getting at least 120g protein per day. To keep my glucose peaks below 7.5 (as I have heard you mention as a goal for your patients) I need to restrict total carbs to 70-80g per day (across 4 meals) I am concerned about low fiber and low vitamin and mineral intake with such few carbs.and wondered if this strict restriction would improve my ability to manage glucose from carbs over time allowing me to increase the total carbs I can eat over time??

Kidney stones

I’ve been on a high protein diet for muscle health. I now have kidney stones. They recommend lowering animal protein intake. You have never had a podcast on kidney stones. It’s a ubiquitous problem.

REHIT / CAROL Bike for VO2 Max training

Any truth to CAROL’s claims regarding. REHIT increasing VO2 Max by 12% in 8 weeks (on average)? Thoughts on CAROL’s assertions, such as: “How the REHIT adaptation pathway works— CAROL’s AI-personalization helps you push to your limits during the sprints. Like in a ‘fight or flight’ situation, your muscles are forced to mobilize about 25-30% of muscular glycogen—your emergency energy reserve—releasing key signalling molecules (AMPK and PGC-1a), telling your body it must get fitter and stronger. You develop more mitochondria, your blood plasma volume increases, and your heart gets stronger. Resulting in increased aerobic and anaerobic capacity.”


Hello, last year my mother was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Before this diagnosis she had 3 back surgeries which in my opinion (as a son by no means medical diagnosis) were unnecessary and left a worst outcome. Now she is often treated with opioids quite often and I see no improvement. Could you explain what fibromyalgia is, how is it diagnosed, and treatment.