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Efficacy of Crestor as discussed on Podcast #276

Love the book and much to learn to be my own advocate. I'm on 20 mg of Crestor/Rosuvastatin with Type II Diabetes although am losing weight since my wife passed and asked me to do it for our kids, if not myself. I did a search to look for the research on the 85% max efficacy at 5mg. I'd love to show this to my doc.

Blood sugar and cold/heat exposure

I would love to know more about why certain changes in blood sugar happen when I do cold and heat exposure. I've been wearing a CGM for about two years now, and I've noticed when I do a cold plunge my blood sugar immediately drops and stays low (in the 80s) for 3-4 hours afterward. I can even eat things that would normally spike my blood sugar and there's hardly a response. In a similar but smaller way, if I'm at a BBQ outside and it's a little cold out, my blood sugar won't spike, regardless of what I'm eating, until I get into a warm car. With heat it's the opposite. My blood sugar will always spike in a sauna, and then go down the moment I take a cold shower. I've heard people hypothesize that it's dehydration, but that doesn't track because my blood sugar will go down in a cold shower even before I've replenished with water. And it will go up in a sauna no matter how much water I drink. Similarly, if it's hot outside, or in my apartment, my blood sugar will elevate a little (into the 110s or 120s) and stay there for hours until I get in a cooler place. So I'm wondering what causes these changes? Is it just a matter of blood flow, and when I'm hot more blood is flowing closer to my skin where the CGM can catch it? Or are these real blood sugar changes, in other words, my blood sugar is actually healthier after a cold plunge than when I'm hanging out in 100-degree weather? Is my body using energy/glucose to keep me warm? And if so, why is it not also using energy/glucose to keep me cool? Thanks!

Peter's advice of arthritis

I'm in very good health and exercise a lot mainly because of Peter Attia. My health is good--no metabolic or heart disease or substantial risk for either, and little cancer in my family. But what bothers me the most right now is mild osteoarthritis, mainly in my neck and shoulders. The basic MD response is yeah, you're getting older (I'm 63) and that's just the way it is. It would be great to have a podcast on this--treatment, supplements, what to avoid, and if there's a way to stop progression. Much more than an AMA question!

DEXA problems

Hello. I got my DEXA but didn't get the other non-bone density data I was hoping for. In "#227 – AMA #40" You mention we can make the calculations we need based on the scans. How do we do that and what data are we using from the results? For example in my hip scan I got back these columns: Region, Area(cm^2), BMC(g/cm^2), T-score, Z-score, AM(Age Matched). I also had a hard time finding a place (in Maryland), but that's another story.

CVD & Marathon Runners

My family has a history of CVD and I was recently diagnosed with CVD. My doctor told me I should stop marathon running as studies show that marathon runners have the same mortality rate as a sedentary person (e.g scarring of the heart and myocarditis). marathon running comes with the rate of mortality as a person who is sedentary. What are your thoughts on this topic and is there enough research to back these claims?